There are different ways to be part of our traddictiv® community

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3D Newsletter

A short straight-to-the-point weekly newsletter providing current market trends, analysis, and predictions to help traders and investors stay focused and make informed decisions in the upcoming week.

Live streams

Attend and participate in our many multi-asset and multi-style sessions we broadcast on our YouTube Channel (Futures, Forex, Crypto, CFDs, Stocks, Options, etc.)

Traders' open meetings

Be part of the live UFO Traders' Open Meetings where we screen-share and trade together in our meeting room.

Trading support

Be supported by the traddictiv® team


Different tools for different traders

There are different ways to be part of our traddictiv® community


Innovative trading technology providing traders with a critical EDGE in today's markets, leveraging dynamic and adaptable tools that harness the power of Artificial Intelligence for strategic insights and superior performance.



Comprehensive educational resources, blending on-demand courses and live coaching, designed to empower traders with essential KNOWLEDGE and practical SKILLS, ensuring confidence in the ever-evolving world of trading.

TRADDICTIV TOP Platform with Map

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Traddictiv®?
We are a trading technology company providing tools for traders, investors and hedgers.

Our clients range from individuals trading from home all the way to professionals executing trades in family offices or fund environments. We also supply our technology to commercial companies looking to hedge.

We are the engine behind what we do in www.tradewithufos.com
What is TradeWithUFOs?
You are using TradeWithUFOs.com as you are reading this ?

TradeWithUFOs is a portal which provides access to traddictiv® apps, traddictiv® courses and traddictiv® coaching.

TradeWithUFOs is the brand we use in our YouTube Channel or our social media representing the community of users trading with traddictiv® tools.
Why do you focus on using trading technology instead of planning trades by hand?
Our approach to trading has as a key goal to achieve and retain consistent performance.

Consistent action leads to consistent results and therefore, to us, it is all about being mechanical and managing Trading Emotions.

While markets became electronic many decades ago, some traders and investors still approach trading like it used to be done before computers took over.

Limiting the analysis to manual methods carries great disadvantages since computers do many things better and faster than human beings do.

Apart from adding probabilities or saving time, Trading Technology tools are key to make sure that Traders always run mechanical processes when Trading.

Still have questions?


We are the traddictiv® team

Devoted to support traders committed to develop their skills using quality education paired with powerful coaching and enhanced by the use of innovative and easy-to-use trading technology that mitigates the challenges attached to today’s busy lives as well as the impact of trading emotions.

Jose Blasco Photo
Jose Blasco
Trading Expert
Louise Carr
Trading Expert
Josip Causic Photo
Josip Causic
Trading Expert
Becky Hayman
Trading Expert
Bojan Petreski
Trading Expert

TOP functionality for TOP traders

  • TOP TRADDICTIV Options Planner Functionality 1
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What our clients are saying

Applicable to monthly subscriptions
Applies to SURVIVAL2MASTERY students
Attended at least 50% of available lectures
I’ve learn a lot from the psychology side – how to control our emotions
Kael Wong
Thanks Jose for being patient with my questions
Jeevak Kasarkod
I took it live for 1 contract. Filled at $1.22
Mark W Johnson

Ready to get started?

Unlock market insights, live and recorded multi-asset streams, interactive trader meetings, and dedicated support.
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